I very much enjoyed this interview with Jared Wheeler. It's making me want to visit KS and see the Prairie Spirit trail, and maybe even bicycle on it! Guess I'll be coming out from the coast ;-), but with nothing but respect for your area.

Here on the west side of Jersey City, we are also developing a lot of bicycle trails and people are using them more and more. Although we are a "city", in many ways our neighborhoods resemble a small town. I walk to the grocery store a few times a week, or to the pizza place or the bodega up the block. I see neighbors every day walking by our big postwar apartment buildings. You should do an episode on the West Side of Jersey City. We have some challenges but a lot of hope. We aren't gentrified either like Brooklyn or obviously Manhattan. Anyway, a great podcast. Keep up the good work. See you in KS or maybe Jersey City!

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Thank you - take the trip!

Our City Manager here in KCMO came from Jersey City. So, believe it or not, we hear about it a lot. Seems like a very interesting town, and extremely walkable,

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