Your short-content ideas all sound excellent to me, Kevin. I wish I was better at just writing up unfinished ideas, but that's something I've always struggled with, and I don't expect that to change at this late point; I just belabor and contextualize and make too-long almost everything I write. If you can find a way to be comfortable with shooting out quick comments via substack, I strongly encourage you to do it! (And do it here, rather than through Notes. I used it very minimally at the beginning, but haven't at all since, so obviously my take isn't an informed one; still, my impression is that it's a function which just never took off, so I wouldn't waste time trying to pump air into a dead beast.)

As for the site and the podcast in general, my interests run towards the theoretical and the academic, and I don't think that's your audience at all, so I wouldn't recommend you follow my inclinations when it comes to guests! (But if you must, think in terms of your wonderful discussion with Philip Bess, probably my favorite of all your podcast episodes. Maybe Ted Gioia?) But one thing that you might want to think about, if only serve the interests of the unfortunate pedants like myself, is regularly posting on The Messy City transcripts of your podcast episodes. I've downloaded transcriptions of a few of your conversations myself, when I wanted to quote from them, and if you did that as a usual feature it might be a real help with the Google algorithm (which I don't understand myself, but hey, it's apparently a real thing, so why not?) as well as directly to a small number of listeners, who are still basically text-bound.

Most of all, though, just keep up the great work; I very much appreciate your voice, even (maybe especially!) when you say something I want to argue with. And have a wonderful new year!

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Hey Kevin - Just wanted to thank you for the information you've been putting out, as an amateur dabbler who is interested in Urban Design and knows how important it is to our well being, it's nice to hear from someone with a more professional background in the field.

I enjoy listening to the podcast and reading along here. I like your ideas for the shorter pieces of content. I also want to get better at the Twitter landscape but up until now i've focused most of my efforts here on Substack. My biggest feedback is to keep up the podcast and continue exploring the movement away from suburbs into more walkable places, specifically how it impacts our social life and relationships with the people around us instead of all being in our own little bubbles having to use cars for the simplest of tasks that should be done on foot.

Anyways, thank you again and look forward to following along!

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