The notorious and excellent blogger, Mr. Money Mustache, wrote a worlds-colliding piece a couple weeks ago called “Less Cars, More Money: My Visit to the City of the Future.” MMM writes at length about culdesac Tempe, which we discussed on a previous podcast with Dan Parolek of Opticos Design.
MMM is the GOAT in many respects for the Financial Independence movement. If you’ve touched that world at all, you’ve probably heard of him, read his posts, or seen him in movies or clips.
Funny thing is, he’s also very interested in urban planning and city design. In this post, he marries the two worlds, and suggests how it might impact other people and American cities in the future.
I have my take on it, as you might imagine.
Also, in Act 2, Everything is broken right now. What does it all mean?
Here’s a few other items referenced in the podcast:
Some background on the movement to pedestrianize American main streets in the 1960s and 70s in particular.
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